Welcome to the Stillwater Rotary Club

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Thursdays at 11:45 a.m.
St. Croix Event Center
5880 Omaha Ave N
Stillwater, MN 55082
United States of America
Stillwater Rotary Club Motto
Home Page Stories
Bob Eiselt
* Born May 16, 1955 – Blue Earth MN Raised and graduated from H.S. there
* Oldest of 3 – 1 sister, 1 brother
* Met my future spouse there – H. S. sweethearts (Moms were friends) Arranged?
* Married Deb in 1975 (yes, 49 years)!
* Moved to Mankato after college
* Re-located to Stillwater in 1988, live in West Lakeland Twnsp
* Lived at Eiselt Acre 35 years
* Have 3 adult children, 8 grandchildren – 3.5 – 17 years old
* Musn’t forget Bailey – 13-yr old cocker spaniel, Reuben – 17- month old cocker spaniel and Deb’s chickens and bees
* Graduated from Winona State University w/degree in Accounting/Business Admin.
* Deb also graduated from WSU, degree in Nursing
* Hubbard Milling Co. – Mankato,MN (Accting, Internal Audit, Risk Mgmt) (10 years)
* Ecolab, Risk Management (7+years)
*NordicTrack, Risk Management (4+years)
* Trinity Lutheran Church, Administrator (24 years) RETIRED! MAY 14, 2023 – 24 years as Administrator @ Trinity. Never would have guessed that I would work at a church for more than half of my career! But, my previous work experience in Accounting, as an internal auditor and in corporate risk management actually provided me with a unique set of skills that lent themselves well to the role.
* Golf – has definitely become my retirement hobby
* Motorcycling: started riding later in life but have been riding for 20+ years
* Traveled to Thailand – Rotary Convention, Israel/Jordan, Iceland & Norway
* Joined Rotary August, 2005
* Past President – 2012-13 -- My emphasis that year was rotary’s efforts to eliminate polio: Both my father and father-in-law had cases of polio when they were young
* I spent 7 weeks of my Presidency in a wheelchair, due to a motorcycle accident. Lived to tell about it, broken bones in leg and collarbone, concussion but, no lasting effects!
* Serving on the Rotary Club Board currently as a Director
FEW PEOPLE KNOW THAT: Long-distance runner – track & cross country and played the clarinet & saxophone
PROUDEST MOMENTS; College graduations and weddings of our 3 kids
WHAT FILLS MY CUP: For over 25 years an annual family vacation to Brookside Resort in park Rapids, MN always revitalized and refreshed me every summer
WHAT I WANT MY TOMBSTONE TO SAY: Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen… in my years as church administrator!
Thank you to the Rotarians who participated in our Fall service opportunities.
The highway cleanup was a success and we’d like to thank you for cleaning up the ditches!
Our club participated in Community Thread’s Rake A Difference Day again this year. Thank you to the volunteers (and their leaf blowers!) for a quick and efficient clean up!
Congratulations to Katie Bang! She is the 17th recipient of the Hank Sampson Memorial Award which our club awards to a member in good standing that plays significant roles in the club and demonstrates Service Above Self.
Katie has been a Stillwater Rotarian since 2016. She was a longtime board member and past president. She was instrumental with other Rotarians to help bring our friends from Ukraine on their new adventure.
Thank you for your devotion and contribution to the Stillwater Rotary Club!
Thank you for joining us at the 2024 Presidents' Picnic where we celebrated the closing of the Rotary year and start of the next one. Thank you to Tom Hollatz for a great Rotary year - and we look forward to Schuyler Olson's leadership in the coming year!
We are pleased to announce and congratulate the recipients of the 2024 Stillwater Rotary Club Scholarship! Each of these students models "Service Above Self". The future is bright!

Rotary’s response to the U.S.’s plan to withdraw from the WHO, USAID funding

Rotary leaders from both countries reflect on the challenges and opportunities of peacebuilding across borders

Former Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar Tananarive Due, a pioneer in Black horror fiction, resurrects history of her forgotten uncle

An election monitoring mission in Nigeria presents a pathway for peacebuilding

After historic storms, Rotary clubs look to Florida’s hard-earned wisdom about disaster recovery efforts

Keith Komro
Feb 20, 2025
Financial Update
Mara Crombie, Secretary
Feb 27, 2025
Patriotic Kenny Foundation
Speaker TBD
Mar 06, 2025
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Immediate Past President