* Born May 16, 1955 – Blue Earth MN Raised and graduated from H.S. there
* Oldest of 3 – 1 sister, 1 brother
* Met my future spouse there – H. S. sweethearts (Moms were friends) Arranged?
* Married Deb in 1975 (yes, 49 years)!
* Re-located to Stillwater in 1988, live in West Lakeland Twnsp
* Lived at Eiselt Acre 35 years
* Have 3 adult children, 8 grandchildren – 3.5 – 17 years old
* Musn’t forget Bailey – 13-yr old cocker spaniel, Reuben – 17- month old cocker spaniel and Deb’s chickens and bees
* Graduated from Winona State University w/degree in Accounting/Business Admin.
* Deb also graduated from WSU, degree in Nursing
* Hubbard Milling Co. – Mankato,MN (Accting, Internal Audit, Risk Mgmt) (10 years)
* Ecolab, Risk Management (7+years)
*NordicTrack, Risk Management (4+years)
* Trinity Lutheran Church, Administrator (24 years) RETIRED! MAY 14, 2023 – 24 years as Administrator @ Trinity. Never would have guessed that I would work at a church for more than half of my career! But, my previous work experience in Accounting, as an internal auditor and in corporate risk management actually provided me with a unique set of skills that lent themselves well to the role.
* Golf – has definitely become my retirement hobby
* Motorcycling: started riding later in life but have been riding for 20+ years
* Joined Rotary August, 2005
* Past President – 2012-13 -- My emphasis that year was rotary’s efforts to eliminate polio: Both my father and father-in-law had cases of polio when they were young
* I spent 7 weeks of my Presidency in a wheelchair, due to a motorcycle accident. Lived to tell about it, broken bones in leg and collarbone, concussion but, no lasting effects!
FEW PEOPLE KNOW THAT: Long-distance runner – track & cross country and played the clarinet & saxophone